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Пол Бетани о Марке
| понедельник, 15 июня 2015
Пол Бетани рассказал о своем коллеге Марке Стронги, с которым они вместе снимались в фильме Blood
PB: Everyone we talked about wanting to have in the movie came on board. Mark Strong is extraordinary in the film. He has a different outlook on life and approaches things from a different perspective. It’s a hard one to play and an easy one to mess up. I always watch his movies and always think ‘God I wish I was Mark Strong’. I had never worked with him before and there’s this really awful thing when you realise that people can be really disappointing when you meet them. But with him, he is the nicest, humblest, kindest human being you’ve ever met and it’s so exhausting and irritating that he has both these things in equal measure. I admire him so much as an actor and how he deals with things and everybody that he comes in contact with. He is so much nicer than you (NM: About 80% nicer . You have to feel that these kids had a really violent upbringing and when their mother dies there was no one in between them and this rage. So how do you do that, but when you have Brian Cox there’s such a latent violence to him which is just so powerful.
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