The First Rule Is...
Собственно сами гифы с награждения Марка 
И у меня чувство, что он врубил разом сразу несколько своих персонажей и ушел глубоко в себя

+2 видео уже после награждения

И у меня чувство, что он врубил разом сразу несколько своих персонажей и ушел глубоко в себя

+2 видео уже после награждения
И речь Марка (транскрибированная, возможны неточности):
“I really wasn’t expecting this. I am in such a strong category with such incredible actors. I spent all the time since the nominations convinced that everybody else was gonna win. Tim, Richard, James - incredible people. I’d like to say, a huge thank you to David Lan, for having the foresight to bring Ivo Van Hove and Jan Versweyveld over from Holland to direct Arthur Miller in this extraordinary production. I’d like to thank Daisy and Lucy (?) at the Young Vic, I’d like to thank all those that came on a journey with us, Jeff, James, Alex, Ruthie, Caroline, Cerica (?). I’d like to thank the amazing cast, and I’d name you all if I had more than 40 seconds, cos they’re all fantastic. What’s been amazing about being at the Young Vic and the Wyndham’s, doing this play, is the young people that came to see it, who all wanted to talk about what they were seeing. A 12 year old boy asked me, “What is the purpose of theatre? What’s the point of theatre?” And I’ve never been in a production that people have wanted to talk about more. All the people that came back for autographs, for selfies, hugs, all wanted to discuss what the characters were doing on stage, why they were doing it, whether they agreed with them, how they felt about what they were doing, who they trusted, and that made me realise that thousands of years have gone by and we still have this thing called live theatre and the reason is that we need to be able to compare ourselves to what we’re seeing up there, judge ourselves as human beings, decide what’s right, what’s wrong, who we are, why we’re here. That’s the point of theatre. Thank you very much.”
Источник на тумбе
Как будето просто не понял еще как реагирывать и не длоконца осмыслил что произошло.
Бродяга69, о да ♥
Гэттис только что в затылок не поцеловал
Очень все классные!
говорят, что на записи видно, что Гэтисс его активно поздравлял
первые три гифки, читаю по лицам, как боххх:
- и награда достается Марку Стронгу!
- Марк Стронг, что за чёрт этот Марк Стронг?
- милый, это ты!
- охренеть, я Марк Стронг...
извините, я от восторга начала стебаться